As Computer Coding Classes Swell, So Does Cheating by Jess Bidgood and Jeremy B. Merrill

New York Times May 29, 2017 This is an interesting article depicting an area that I had not thought of in regards to cheating.  Since I have not had opportunity, yet, to explore code beyond the basic HTML where everything is fairly routine I was unaware of how different each code can/should be from programmer […]

Fiber Artist Feature – Nicole Frost Frostyarn This artist entered into the fiber arts field due to a friend giving her some yarn and advising that she utilize that since meditation was not likely to hold her interest. She has been doing so for nine years, since she became sober and moved home. Her inspiration is space themed items, though the […]

The Pressure to Publish in Journals Drives too Much Cookie Cutter Research This seems to be a very interesting article.  The first few paragraphs outline how real life research questions become academic topics mainly aimed toward publication rather than information gathering. This is a particularly telling paragraph: “Steadily the report was shorn of the information needed to make it useful. And thus the government could pay […]

Fixing ‘Failed’ Fiber This is a fantastic article that explores how fiber ‘mistakes’ can be easily fixed with a drum carder.  Everything from a splotch of too bright color to a bit of felting in the dye pot can be fixed with a drum carder.  The too bright color can be mellowed out with a few passes […]