Girl Logic by Iliza Shlesinger

This book, combined with the watching the old senate hearing that Twisted Sister was questioned during, leaves me confused as to where I stand on certain female issues while reinforcing my beliefs on other issues.  I feel vindicated in my version of Feminism, treat people by how they act not how you believe they should […]

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim, Chi-Young Kim (Translator)

This is a fascinating book created by a Buddhist Monk that is also a college professor. I enjoyed listening to the thoughts and ideas of this monk, right up until he re-interpreted a Bible story (this occurred in the last 10 minutes and was the only part where he mentions another faith in a negative […]

Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes by Dana Thomas

If you are looking for a book that explains some of the problems that arise from the fast fashion industry then this is a good book.  Thomas explains how fast fashion as arisen due to several factors from off shoring, trying to keep up with fashions, and the great amounts of waste that have arisen […]

Celtic Mythology by Phillip Freeman

These stories were not what I expected at all.  One of the main themes running through them is that women are duplicitous.  Another is that women, daughters, wives, are like cattle meant to be sold and bought for a bride price. There was a lot of war, pillaging, raping, adultery, and other themes along those […]