The End of Blu-Ray by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols This is an article worth reading.  While streaming is managing to kill both blu-ray and DVDs this might not be a good move for our cultural history.  There are plenty of materials that are either difficult or impossible to find through the mainstream streaming services, although there is plenty that has not been committed […]

Comics is a Market In Transition by Shannon O’Leary This is a fascinating article resplendent with direct quotes from comic book shops of various sizes.  I was vaguely aware of some of the concerns presented, I really don’t like the idea of spending $3-$5 on a comic book that I will read in a few minutes, but I was unaware of how pervasive […]

The High Cost of College Textbooks, Explained by Gaby Del Valle This article begins by discussing how quickly the price of textbooks has skyrocketed, and how it directly effects students.  There is a quote from a McGraww Hill Executive that states textbook prices for a full semesters worth of texts are around 240-250…I distinctly remember a talk with one of my student workers at my […]

Nearly One-In-Five Americans Now Listen to Audiobooks by Andrew Perrin

Nearly one-in-five Americans now listen to audiobooks *I am heartened by the beginning of the article, 74% of Americans have read a book in the last 12 months!* This is a fascinating analysis on the reading habits of various demographics within the United States.  For those interested in further information I would recommend this article […]